LUCAS SyncroSim Package

GitHub release

Simulate carbon stocks and flows

LUCAS is an open-source SyncroSim Base Package for simulating carbon dynamics across terrestrial landscapes.

The Land Use and Carbon Scenario Simulator (LUCAS) combines a state-and-transition simulation model to predict change in land use/land cover classes, with a stock and flow model to simulate carbon dynamics within a scenario-based framework. The resulting product is a model which tracks changes in land use/land cover, land management, and disturbance, along with the impact of these processes on ecosystem carbon sequestration and carbon flux. By developing LUCAS within the ST-Sim modeling environment, users are given the flexibility to test a range of future scenarios of land-use and climate change and their impacts on carbon dynamics.


This package requires the latest SyncroSim release.

How to Install

Open SyncroSim and select File -> Packages… -> Install…, then select the LUCAS package and click OK.

Alternatively, download the latest release from Github. Open SyncroSim and navigate to packages, then install from file.

Getting Started

For more information on working with LUCAS in the SyncroSim user interface, see the Getting Started page.

Find more information about the LUCAS model at
Browse source code at
Report a bug at


Benjamin Sleeter (Author, maintainer)
Colin Daniel (Author)
Leonardo Frid (Author)
Alex Embrey (Author)