Getting started with helloworld

Quickstart Tutorial

  1. Download and install SyncroSim 2.2.27 or later from

  2. Install the helloworld package in the SyncroSim user interface by selecting File | Packages | Install…

  3. If you need to update package versions, in SyncroSim go to File | Packages | Update…

  4. Create a new helloworld Library
    • In SyncroSim, select File | New Library…
    • Select the helloworld base package and choose the Empty Library template.
    • Enter a Filename (ok to keep the default) and a Folder for your new Library, then click OK.

  5. First, check your executable location by clicking on helloworld Library in the Library Explorer, and then selecting Library Properties from the File menu. Select the R Configuration tab to check and/or set the location of your R program executable.

  6. To edit the Scenario inputs, right-click on the auto-generated empty New Scenario in the Library Explorer and select Properties. Then select the Inputs tab and enter pairs of values for your x and a model inputs in the grid.

  7. To run the Scenario, right-click on this New Scenario again in the Library Explorer and select Run.

  8. Once the run is complete, return to the Library Explorer. Expand the node beside the New Scenario to reveal a Results folder containing your results, then expand the node beside the Results folder to show the newly generated date/time stamped Results Scenario. Each Results Scenario contains a read-only snapshot copy of all your inputs at the time of your run, along with values for your model generated outputs.

  9. Right-click on this Results Scenario and select Properties to view the details of this Results Scenario; you will find your calculated outputs under the Outputs tab.

For the complete tutorial on how to create the helloworld Package, see the creating a package tutorial in the SyncroSim documentation.