Getting started with helloworld
Quickstart Tutorial
Download and install SyncroSim 2.2.27 or later from
- Install the helloworld package in the SyncroSim user interface by selecting File | Packages | Install…
- If you need to update package versions, in SyncroSim go to File | Packages | Update…
- Create a new helloworld Library
- In SyncroSim, select File | New Library…
- Select the helloworld base package and choose the Empty Library template.
- Enter a Filename (ok to keep the default) and a Folder for your new Library, then click OK.
- First, check your executable location by clicking on helloworld Library in the Library Explorer, and then selecting Library Properties from the File menu. Select the R Configuration tab to check and/or set the location of your R program executable.
- To edit the Scenario inputs, right-click on the auto-generated empty New Scenario in the Library Explorer and select Properties. Then select the Inputs tab and enter pairs of values for your x and a model inputs in the grid.
- To run the Scenario, right-click on this New Scenario again in the Library Explorer and select Run.
- Once the run is complete, return to the Library Explorer. Expand the node beside the New Scenario to reveal a Results folder containing your results, then expand the node beside the Results folder to show the newly generated date/time stamped Results Scenario. Each Results Scenario contains a read-only snapshot copy of all your inputs at the time of your run, along with values for your model generated outputs.
- Right-click on this Results Scenario and select Properties to view the details of this Results Scenario; you will find your calculated outputs under the Outputs tab.
For the complete tutorial on how to create the helloworld Package, see the creating a package tutorial in the SyncroSim documentation.